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海外版ライザップがコミットしすぎててヤバいwww もはや別人になっちゃうレベルでスゴいと話題に




彼を驚くような体に作り変えたのは、アメリカのTV番組「Fit to Fat to Fit」の企画だ。アドニス自身のインスタグラムに掲載されたビフォー・アフターの写真を見ると、ダルダルのお腹がきっちりと割れた素晴らしいウエストに変身している。顔つきもすっかり精悍になり、まるでUFCファイターのようなイイ男。


#FITtoFATtoFIT 2 months prior to the show vs 4 months into it. 😳 How much weight did I gain? What? I was happy that I was helping another person. Had to cover the Ta-Tas ... this is a PG page you know. OR AM I CRAZY for risking my life? You Pick One: A) CRAZY B) Phucking CRAZY C) ALL OF THE ABOVE Or In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'" -Acts 20:35 #NowDoYouThinkMyACTSareCrazy #JustFollowingTheRulesOfGodVsMan #NotPerfect #ButImLivingInMyPurpose #FindYourPurpose #AndYouWillFindYourHapiness #RespectTheProcess #itStartsWithYou #ItsYouVsYou #GodIsSoDope YOUR TURN! YOU GOT THE JUICE NOW #FitToFatToFit on @AEtv .. episode airs this week Tuesday 2/2/16 at 10/9c. PLEASE set your DVRs family ... Thank you! #aetv PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD!!!!!

Adonis "No Excuses" Hillさん(@bodybyadonis)が投稿した写真 -

#Tbt #JustMeAndAUrinal This pic is from Day 3 Of 240 days of my #FITtoFATtoFIT journey. Change can come in many forms in our lives. That joint can pop up on a mo-fo out of nowhere. It might come in the form of devastating tragedy, difficult choices, broken relationships (friend,family,lover), or even new opportunities. I can't front tho ..... change is often difficult, many times it's also for the best. Accomplishing anything great in life requires significant change that pushes us beyond our comfort zones. Many times, the only way to improve our lives is to force ourselves to undergo difficult change. Ya Dig?! #iKnowBecauseiBeenThere #WeAreALLInThis2gether #RespectTheProcess #ItsYouVsYou #AdonisHill #GodisPOPPIN YOUR TURN! YOU GOT THE JUICE NOW #FitToFatToFit on @AEtv .. episode airs next week Tuesday 2/216 at 10/9c. PLEASE set your DVRs family ... Thank you! #aetv

Adonis "No Excuses" Hillさん(@bodybyadonis)が投稿した写真 -


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